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Well what a rollercoaster sh*tshow of a year it has been! How is everyone? I love to do an end of year ’round up’ blog post but was debating whether to still do one this year. I do actually have quite a lot of images that I’m proud to share from the past 12 months, a lot of them from my personal work.. but for family photography 2020 wasn’t quite as busy a year as I’d hoped for!
I only have myself to blame – I turned 40 back in January and optimistically (+ tipsily..) declaring “this’ll be my year” obviously jinxed it for us all. For that I can only apologise..!
I know I’m very lucky. My business has survived (yay!), and although I had covid myself 3 months ago I don’t seem to be suffering from any long term effects (which is a huge relief). The Rascal had it too, but with zero symptoms. I even managed to go abroad for work a couple of times – to Thailand before covid hit the UK, and to Portugal in the late summer. The Rascal and I (and our newly acquired covid antibodies 😂) also enjoyed a lovely holiday to Rhodes in October half term. Still, somehow travel is the thing that I’ve missed the most.
Family Photography 2020 – FaceTime & Doorstep Photo Sessions!
Back in April I learned how to take photos of people all over the world via the magic of FaceTime (such is the world of family photography 2020), and embraced the ‘doorstep photo shoot’ in my local neighbourhood. It’s been fun to diversify, and it was actually amazing at the time for keeping the creativity alive and staying in touch with my clients. I also played piano way more than usual and baked lots of lemon drizzle cakes (the only thing I can bake!).
The Rascal and I have of course found this year super difficult at times though. Home schooling was certainly ‘challenging’ (honestly I gave up pretty quickly.!) and much like everyone else we’ve felt at times isolated from family, friends and normal life, particularly during the first lockdown. Even more so when the weather was rubbish and we couldn’t enjoy splashing about in the new ‘swimming pool’ (glorified paddling pool!) that olivia purchased with all the pocket money she’d saved up! It’s been horrible having to postpone all the trips and activities Olivia had been looking forward to – but 2021 (the latter half at least 😒?!) will have to make up for it.
Mini Photo Shoots During Lockdown
More recently, I have managed a few bouts of my regular work as a Kent and London family photographer! Things relaxed a bit of course during the summer so I could work normally again then. More recently, I wrote to my MP who confirmed I was allowed to do family photo shoots in London and Kent during lockdown no. 2. providing they were outdoors. With November and early December being one of my busiest times of year this was a huge relief! I actually ended up doing a record amount of Christmas mini photo shoots in London this year – a total of 43! – in Richmond Park, Notting Hill, Holland Park, Hampstead Heath, Greenwich Park and Islington, to name just a few locations.
And now we’re in tier 4 and where I live in Kent is the current covid hotspot – let’s just hope it doesn’t bloody last long, and hurry up and stick that jab in my arm please 🙏😁
Hope you’re all doing ok.. and roll on (March/April?)-2021 and a return to the life we all miss.
Here’s my London Family Photography 2020 story in photos 🥰 Wishing you all a happy and healthy Christmas & New Year! x
P.S. To book your 2021 photo session, contact me here: Book a Kent or London Family Photo Session.
Bangkok Sailing Trip in Thailand Family Photo Shoot in Bangkok Back home – a few more shoots pre-lockdown.. Lockdown and my first FaceTime shoot.. with my sister and niece :) FaceTime in Italy! The Rascal Doorstep Shoots Post-lockdown, ‘proper’ shoots again.. My niece Mabel! The Rascal and her cousin in the ‘pool’! Portugal – travel and family photo shoots Autumn photo shoots in London and Kent Lockdown No. 2 – Deserted London.. Pre-Christmas Mini Shoots