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Newborn Photography in London, Kent & South East
When it comes to capturing those first photos of you and your baby, the choice of options for a photo shoot can be overwhelming. There are studio shoots with lots of props and adorable outfits, formal family portraits with you all dressed up, and also – with me! – the option of a London Newborn Photo Shoot at home. This is a much more natural, baby-led photo shoot, in the comfort your own home.
I love photographing new families at home – there’s something magical about those precious first few weeks in your new baby cocoon.. newborns grow so quickly that it will all pass you by in a flash! (I know you’ve heard that a million times by now, but it really is true..).
Read on for some reasons why I recommend a London Newborn Photo Shoot at home for you and for your baby.
1. It cuts out the faff!
Due to the typical timing of a Newborn shoot, (click here if you aren’t sure when that should be!) parents are often only just getting in to the swing of things after their baby’s arrival. Going to a studio means leaving that safe haven you have created at home in those early days. Even a simple trip out can be tricky to navigate in those first weeks. Getting all yours and baby’s stuff ready, figuring out that new car seat / pram set up and trying to work around timings of your baby’s (non-)routine! Having your London Newborn Photo Shoot at home means less of the faff. A home shoot results in beautifully natural, authentic photos because it’s so much easier for you and baby to relax. Everything you need is to hand and feeding and napping can continue as normal. My favourite photos from each London Newborn Photo Shoot at home always include at least some of those very ‘ordinary’ moments of being a new parent!

2. Involve the whole family.. and pets!
As some of you may know by now I am a bit of a rebel when it comes to being told “never work with children and animals!”. Having a London Newborn Photo Shoot at home means no-one gets left out – and that includes those rascally toddler siblings and of course your furry family members.

3. Home is where the heart is
Home is where you are living, loving and building all those precious memories with your new baby. Having your London Newborn Photo Shoot at home means those real day to day moments are captured for you and your children to look back on in the future. Whether it’s your partner on ‘burping duty’ or you rocking your baby to sleep, those moments make the most beautiful photos because they capture the reality – and all those scary and wonderful new emotions – of parenthood. Your Newborn photos should take you back to that precious time whenever you look at them.

4. Time to Relax
Having your London Newborn Shoot at home means you can actually relax and enjoy the experience. Kick back on your own sofa whilst I get some photos of baby. Top up your cup of tea as many times as you like! And if your little one decides to throw up everywhere you’ve always got changes of clothes to hand. Despite what you may think, there is NO need to tidy up your home before having your shoot. I can always move things around a bit and usually all that’s needed as a minimum is space on a bed with some natural light from a window. Many of my photos might look as if they’ve been taken in super-tidy, grand houses or hotel rooms – I promise they weren’t!

5. Making use of the nursery
If you’ve worked hard creating a lovely new nursery for your baby, this can make a lovely setting for some of your photos. They may not be sleeping in it yet, but you can make the most of the space and the effort you’ve put in getting it ready. You and your little one can look back and remember their very first bedroom and all those nostalgic memories attached to it.
P.S. Nursery not quite ready?! We can still get some photos in baby’s cot (if you already have one), in the Moses basket, or on – or wrapped up in! – a favourite blanket.

Booking your London Newborn Photo Shoot at Home
To book your London Newborn Photo Shoot at home, get in touch here and we’ll provisionally book a date around 10-14 days after your due date. We can adjust this if needed when the time comes! I also cover Kent (which is actually where I live!) and most of the South East.
Helen x
P.S. Don’t miss these Top Survival Tips for New Parents to get you prepped for those precious first weeks with your new arrival!